cerberusauth package



cerberusauth.config module

Core configuration for Cerberus.

Any values included in here should be configurable as an environment variable, so that the service is configurable without code release.

cerberusauth.logger module

Logging set-up for Cerberus.


Setup logging configuration, to be called on initilisation of application.

This will attempt to set-up logging based on the configuration file logging.yml. This configuration can be overridden by passing the path to a similar YAML file as the ENV variable LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE.

Once set-up, the rest of the microservice can simply create a logging instance as normal, with:

import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

cerberusauth.strategy module

Methods for handling strategies.

cerberusauth.strategy.import_strategy(strategy, default_strategy, strategy_root)

Module contents

Cerberus - Authentication and authorisation microservice.

class cerberusauth.CerberusAuth(storage_strategy)

Bases: object

Provides authentication and authorisation as a microservice.


Create storage schema.
